Where A Mission Meets Innovation

Mark Arnold and Karolyn Arnold

Mark Arnold serves as Arnoldware's CTO and holds a Ph.D. in Computing from the University of Manchester, England, and has served on the faculties of University of Wyoming (UW), UMIST and Lehigh University. He is the author of over one-hundred scholarly publications and a published textbook on Verilog state-machines.

Karolyn Arnold (who holds an MPH in Biostatistics from the University of California, Berkeley) has arthritis and Parkinson's Disease. Her first-hand experience provided inspiration which prompted the Arnolds to start Arnoldware Applications and help motion-disabled users.

Corey Johnson

Corey Johnson serves as Arnoldware's lead software developer and head of Arnoldware's marketing and crowdfunding initiative.

Corey maintains Arnoldware’s computer systems, develops Arnoldware's Accessibility software solution, investigates software and off-the-shelf hardware solutions for R&D projects, develops Android applications and user manuals, tests prototype functionality, demonstrates prototypes. Corey is currently a full time student at the University of Wyoming, pursuing degrees in Computer Science, Finance and Economics.

Austin Morgan

Austin Morgan serves as Arnoldware's lead Electrical Engineer. Austin coordinates the hardware and firmware development of various prototypes. His development efforts entail embedded microcontrollers, PCB and electrical circuit design, programming, 3D object design/manufacturing and prototype testing. Austin received his Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wyoming. His coursework focused in the area of electronics with specialties in optoelectronics, semiconductor materials and devices, and VLSI. Austin's work and research background included electrochemical cells, firmware development, power systems, control systems, and sensors.

Our Story

Arnoldware is located at the Wyoming Technology Business Center in Laramie, Wyoming. Arnoldware's goal is to develop and commercialize a new, innovative accessory that enables motion-disabled users (with a disability that affects the control and stabilization of their arms or hands) to easily and accurately operate touchscreen devices such as smart phones and tablets.

Arnoldware began as labor of love for Arnoldware's founder Mark Arnold for his wife Karolyn to continue reading the books and magazines she cherished in a world where touchscreen technology is rapidly overtaking printed media. Mark tried many differing products in hopes that they could help Karolyn regain her independence. He soon came to the conclusion that none of the existing hardware or software products in the market came even close to solving the issue. Mark knew that if Karolyn was struggling to use modern touch electronics, then there must be millions more just like her out there; feeling frusturated and left behind by the 21st century.

Mark soon went to work, leveraging his decades of expertise in software and hardware, to work on a novel solution to help those in a market that is often ignored by major companies. Arnoldware was awarded an National Science Foundation (NSF) Phase I SBIR grant to determine the feasibility of it's product. Arnoldware's grant enabled it to successfully prove the viability of its accessibility solution and reach a point where Arnoldware's Access Stylus will shortly be ready to enter production.

For more information about Arnoldware's NSF grant, please see here. The research was funded by the National Science Foundation under SBIR Phase I Grant No. IIP-1549404 "Adapting Touchscreen Devices for Motion-Disabled Users," Dr. Mark Arnold, Principal Investigator. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.